In this project we use direct numerical simulations of turbulence to study its effect on planetesimal precursors. The aim is to determine the key parameters for the influence of turbulence on planetesimal formation. We also want to determine the degree to which the precursors can be concentrated locally in protoplanetary discs in particular in flow features such as spiral arms, high pressure regions or vortex structures. The turbulence is induced by the magnetorotational instability (MRI), a linear instability found in rotating, weakly magnetised shear flows (Balbus & Hawley 1991). We model the turbulence in a self-consistent way, where the energy in the turbulent motions is dissipated into heat at small scales and ultimately radiated away by radiative diffusion.


Code Comparison We model the highly conducting magnetized fluid in accretion discs by the equations of ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) with radiation transport included in the flux-limited diffusion approximation. The hydrodynamic part of the equations is solved by a conservative second order central scheme based on the work by Kurganov et. al. (2001). The numerical scheme does not require a Riemann solver, which means it is both very flexible and robust, and thus idealy suited for turbulence simulations. The code runs in parallel using the Message Passing Interface (MPI), which allows to perform high resolution runs. The simulations take place in a so-called shearing box which represents a small patch of an accretion disc where local Cartesian coordinates are used. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates are also supported, which opens up the possibility of performing global disc simulations in the future as well. [The graphic shows the result of a comparison of our code with three other MHD codes for the case of a standart shearing box setup.]


Wachstumsraten We implemented radiative transport into our code and examined its influence on the linear stage of the MRI. By effectively increasing the compressibilty of the fluid, radiative transport alters the growth rates, but does not change the region where the instability operates. This is different from dissipative processes like viscosity and resistivity, which have the potential to kill the MRI. The growth rates may be either reduced or enhanced, depending on the strength of the toroidal magnetic field and the orientation of the perturbation wavevector. We have shown that our numerical code accurately reproduces the analytical prediction for the linear stage of the MRI, thereby justifying our intent to use it to explore the nonlinear turbulent stage, where no analytical theory is available. We have also performed 3D shearing-box simulations in order to examine the impact of radiative transport on the saturation level of the MRI (Flaig, Kissmann & Kley 2008). [The graphic shows plots of the MRI growth rate vs. nondimensional wavenumber for two different situations, where radiation transport either decreases the growth rates (main graphic) or increases them (inset)].


Geschichtete Simulationen We are currently setting up stratified simulations where the vertical component of gravity is included, leading to a Gaussian density profile with steep density gradients. Vertically stratified simulations are difficult to perform, because not only is the density very small in the upper regions, but these are also stronly magnetised due to the bouyantly rising magnetic fiel, leading to problems with the boundary conditions and to a small time step due to the huge Alfven speed there. One aim of this simulations is to determine the vertical structure in the quasi-steady state where turbulent heating is balanced by radiative cooling. A major next step will then be to add dust to the model and examine the dust distribution in the turbulent flow. After this has been achieved, the simulations might be extended to the global scale of the disc. [The graphic shows plots of the magnetic field (left plot) and density (right plot) for a vertically stratified simulation.]


Balbus, S. A. & Hawley, J. F. (1991). A powerful local shear instability in weakly magnetized disks. ApJ 376, pages 214-233.

Flaig, M., Kissmann, R. & Kley, W. (2008). Growth of the MRI in Accretion Discs - the Influence of Radiation Transport. Submitted to MNRAS.