Animation of Circumbinary Disk

Displayed is the evolution of a circumbinary accretion disk. The calculations are two-dimensional (r-phi) using the vertically averaged surface density (Sigma). The disk is non-self gravitating. Shown is always the evolution of the surface density. The parameters such as mass ratio (q), excentricity (e) are given at the corresponding models. The time is given in units of the orbit of the binary.

  • Case 1: Equal mass (q=1), circular orbit, H/R=0.1: Movie 1

  • Case 2: Non-equal mass (q=.77), eccentric orbit (e=.5): Movie 2

  • Case 3: Non-equal mass (q=.77), eccentric orbit (e=.25): Movie 3

    NOTE: These models represent more or less still Test Cases.
    For more Research on Circumbinary Disks, see Research Page of Richard Günther.

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