Theoretical Astrophysics & Computational Physics  ·   University of Tübingen  ·   Auf der Morgenstelle 10  ·   72076 Tübingen

phone +49 (0) 70 71 / 29 - 7 54 68  ·   fax +49 (0) 70 71 / 29 - 58 89

M O S T     I M P O R T A N T L Y
Fraudsters offer fake job in the name of the university. We never ask for money for the completion of employment contracts or related formalities! If the sender's e-mail address gives "", then this is not a University of Tuebingen e-mail address - our accounts always end with "".

Also, no professor or member of our University will EVER ask you for help in terms of money or in terms of buying gifts. If you receive a message like "Are you available, I'm busy, can you help me out" etc., then this is always a scam.

Business trips
Four weeks in advance, please fill in the travel application form in English or German Please sign it and leave it in your secretary's mailbox. After your trip, you will need it as part of your travel refund procedure.

Our central travel administration offers downloads of hotel lists with special prices, as well as special conditions of Motel One and AccorHotels.

During the trip, please make sure that the hotel addresses its invoice in the following way:
University of Tübingen
Theoretical Astrophysics/ Computational Physics (resp.)
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
D-72076 Tübingen

After the trip, please fill in the form for travel refund in in English or in German

With a working contract throughout the entire year, you will get 30 days off. Please discuss your plans for leave with your boss some time beforehand, and please fill in the holiday application form before you leave.

Poster printing
There is a poster printer (size A0) in the 3rd floor of our building (room number C3 A33), opening hours Mon through Fri from 08h00 until 18h00. Further details and printer driver please find here (accessible for employees only).

Marie Curie PIC
Participant Identification Code for applications: 999991916,
short organization name of Tübingen University: EKUT

Bank connections of Tübingen University
IBAN DE24 6005 0101 7477 5036 14, SOLADEST, Baden-Württ. Bank Tübingen
IBAN DE 1364 1500 2000 0001 3004, BIC SOLADES1TUB, Kreissparkasse Tübingen
IBAN DE67 6400 0000 0064 0015 06, BIC MARKDEF1640, Bundesbank Filiale Reutlingen

Customs number (EORI number) of Tübingen University
DE 5834171 (Zoll-Nr.)

VAT number of Tübingen University
DE 812383453 (USt-ID-Nr.)


Please get registered at the Bürgeramt (Alien Office) within two weeks upon your arrival or changing of apartment within Tübingen. Please e-mail to the Alien Office for an appointment. The Alien Office is located at Schmiedtorstr. 4. Please bring your passport or your ID card, the rental agreement and the Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung filled by your landlord.
Please note: The indication of your religious denomination will affect your income tax, since catholic and evangelic membership are both taxed in Germany.

Bank and Social Security
Your employment requires a German giro bank account.
With your salary, you will automatically contribute to the social security system (health insurance, long-term nursing care, unemployment, old age pension, work accident). You cannot escape it, even if you contribute to any additional insurance abroad.

Old Age Pension
For details concerning old age pension with a career in different European countries, please see

The wage classification E13 (for researchers) has 6 levels:
level 1: no working experience (in the research field as employed full-time researcher)
level 2: after 1 year
level 3: after 3 years
level 4: after 6 years
level 5: after 10 years
level 6: after 15 years

Unfortunately, grants are considered as "beneficial times" only, they might not count at all as working experience, or they will not count in full (even if your duties were the same as being employed).

The monthly net income (full time) presently is:
level 1:   2,605 EUR
level 2:   2,764 EUR
level 3:   2,883 EUR
level 4:   3,132 EUR
level 5:   3,476 EUR
level 6:   3,564 EUR

Salary calculator for employees: TV-L 2023 (valid until 31/10/24): E13, tax class 1 (Lohnsteuerklasse)

Online payslips with the LBV
LBV Kundenportal
Please click the golden button "Kundenportal"
and log in (the LBV has sent your login details)
There, you can download all relevant pdf-files.
To close the portal, please click on "Abmelden" on the upper left.


For international researchers, the Welcome Center at Tübingen University offers service and support preparing your stay before you come to Tübingen, and offers practical assistance in all non-academic matters. Please get registered at the earliest possible date.

For long-term apartments, please check
In addition, please check airbnb for availabilities.

Beware of scams in that context. A fraction of the offered places to live does not exist. A landlord currently not being in Tübingen, and not able to show you the apartment in person often seems convenient and reliable since you are also coming from abroad, but it is always a scam.

On a side note: KM stands for Kaltmiete = "cold rent". The extra costs are for warm water and heating, which will make it a "warm rent". And unfortunately, you cannot escape the parking lot if it is offered.
The housing deposit calculates twice or three times the cold rent.
For electricity, please consider an additional 50 EUR per month and person;
for telephone/ internet take 30 EUR per month into account.
If you have a laptop or a computer at home, please consider another 20 EUR per month for the accessibility of the German public service broadcast GEZ (radio and television).
A monthly bus ticket within Tübingen presently is for 40 EUR,
and 7 to 10 EUR monthly fees apply for your bank account.
Please note that apartments in Germany usually are not furnished (apart from the kitchen); the nearest IKEA is located in Sindelfingen (and they certainly offer a delivery service).
Also, a third party liability insurance is strongly recommended, and many rental agreements actually require it.