Bad Honnef Physics School
Extrasolar Planets: Their Formation and Evolution
supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus - Foundation
Organisers: Wilhelm Kley (Tübingen) , Cornelis Dullemond (Heidelberg), Nader Haghighipour (Hawaii)
Date: 26.June - 1. July, 2016
Location: Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Germany)
The Programme
The most recent Programme-Overview and as a Table  
(as of 23. June 2016)
(please note that due to some cancelations we had to change some speakers)
The Practical Projects on Thursday afternoon (3 options):
1) Intro to Numerical Hydrodynamics (Linear Advection)
2) Intro to RADMC-3D (Monto Carlo Radiative Transfer)
3) Intro to N-Body (Handling Collisions)
Please bring your Laptop with suitable software (Compilers/Python/Editors) to participate
The Slides of the Talks
Impressions from the School
The Participants
Participant List (as of 22. June)
Posters by the Participants (Abstracts)
The Poster
About 20 years have passed now since the discovery of the first extrasolar planet orbiting a
solar type star in 1995. Applying different observational strategies the number of confirmed detections of exoplanets
has nearly reached 2000 as of today. While already the very first discoveries of hot Jupiter planets
such as 51 Peg and very eccentric planets, such as 16 Cyg B, have hinted at the differences to our own
Solar System, later the numerous detections by the Kepler Space Telescope and others have given us full
insight as to the extraordinary diversity of the exoplanetary systems in our Milkyway.
Planets come in very different masses and sizes and show complex dynamics in their orbital characteristics.
Full planetary systems with up to 7 planets have been found as well as planets in binary stars systems,
making science fiction become a reality. The observed diversity of the whole sample of exoplanets has braught
the theory of Planet Formation and Evolution into the main focus of today's astrophysical research.
The School
The goal of the school is to provide a solid pedagogical introduction into the general field of Planetary Formation with emphasis
on the special requirement of extrasolar planets. In the school the planet formation process will be presented starting from
the very early phase of dust agglomeration up to the assembly of fully grown planets. Building upon the ideas on how to form the Solar System,
the focus of the school will lie on the main theoretical foundations that have emerged after the detection of extrasolar planets.
There are 14 lectures given by international experts in the field.
In little projects the participants will have the opportunity to to work on particular problems in the field.
Additionally, the participants are encouraged to present their own work in the form of posters.
Target Audience
The level of the lectures is aiming at young scientists in the early phase of their scientific careers, i.e.
Master or PhD-students and Postdocs. However, others are welcome to attend as well.
The Speakers
Artie Hatzes (Tautenburg, D), Cornelis Dullemond (Heidelberg, D), Allessandro Morbidelli (Nice, F), Carsten Dominik (Amsterdam, NL), Hubertus Klahr (Heidelberg, D), Richard Nelson (London, UK), Christoph Mordasini (Bern, CH), Kevin Heng (Bern, CH),
Giovanni Rosotti (Cambridge, UK), Hagai Perets (Haifa, IL), Nader Haghighipour (Hawaii, USA)
Willy Kley (Tübingen, D)
The Fee is only Euro 200 (or even 100 for DPG members!): This covers full board and lodging
Registration Page
you will receive a confirmation email by the local manager, and information about the payment procedure.
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5
53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
Directions: LINK
Special Offer for Train Tickets: LINK
For organisational issues, pelase contact: Victor Gomer at the
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef .
Last updated
19. June 2016