List of Bachelor, Master, Diploma, PhD and Habilitation Theses
Computational Physics Group in Tübingen (CPT)
Habilitation Theses:
Roland Speith: Improvements of the numerical method Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (2006)
Hubert Klahr: Hydrodynamical Models in the Field of Planet Formation (2006)
PhD Theses:
Alexandros Ziampras: Planets in turbulent disks (supervisor: W.Kley & R.P.Nelson, running)
Anna Penzlin: Dynamics of circumbinary discs (supervisor: W.Kley & C. Dullemond, running)
Lucas Jordan: Eccentric Disks in close Binary Stars (supervisor: W.Kley, running)
Tobias Moldenhauer: The Formation of Planetary Proto-Atmospheres (supervisor: R. Kuiper & W.Kley, running)
Thomas Rometsch: Transition disks (supervisor: W.Kley & C. Dullemond, running)
Andre Oliva Mercado: Modeling accretion disks around massive protostars (supervisor: R. Kuiper, running)
Oliver Wandel: High and low velocity collisions between porous small bodies in our Solar System (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 08/2020)
Daniel Thun: The Dynamics of Circumbinary Discs and Embedded Planets (supervisor: W. Kley, 12/2018)
Anders Kölligan: From accretion to outflows of massive protostars (supervisor: R. Kuiper (Emmy Noether), 09/2018)
Marius Hertfelder: The boundary layer of accretion disks (supervisor: W. Kley, 04/2017)
Moritz Stoll: Dynamics of Dust and Planets in turbulent Accretion Disks (supervisor: W. Kley, 03/2017)
Christoph Dürmann: The Formation Process of massive Planets (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2017)
Alex Seizinger: The properties of dust agglomerates (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2014)
Tobias Müller: Planet formation in binary stars (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2014)
Ralf Geretshauser: Simulation of Pre-planetesimal Collisions with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (supervisor: R.Speith & W.Kley, 2011)
Bertram Bitsch: Planet-disc interaction in fully radiative discs (supervisor: W. Kley, 2011)
Markus Flaig: Magnetorotational Turbulence in Protoplanetary Discs (supervisor: W. Kley, 2011)
Benjamin Sobotta: Optimization of the Robustness of Radiotherapy against Stochastic Uncertainties (external, supervisor: F. Schick (Radiology), 2011)
Gerben Dirksen: Planet-Disk interaction: Eccentricity excitation and orbital evolution (supervisor: W.Kley, 2006)
Wolfgang Kastaun: Developing a code for general relativistic hydrodynamics with application to neutron star oscillations (supervisor: W.Kley, 2006)
Christoph Schäfer: Application of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics to selected Aspects of Planet Formation (supervisor: R.Speith & W.Kley, 2005)
Richard Günther: Three-dimensional Parallel Hydrodynamics and Astrophysical Applications (supervisor: W.Kley, 2005)
Wolfgang Stürzl: Sensorik und Bildverarbeitung für Landmarken-basierte Navigation (external, supervisor: H. Mallot (Biology), 2004)
Gennaro D'Angelo: Numerical Simulations of Disk-Planet Interactions (supervisor: W. Kley & Th. Henning, 2003)
Diploma/Master Theses:
David Riestenpatt gen. Richter:
title (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, laufend)
Marius Paul:
SPH (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, laufend)
Aaron Stahl:
Dual Grids for the PLUTO-code (supervisor: Th. Rometsch, W. Kley, laufend)
Dennis Wehner:
Disks in Cataclysmic binaries (supervisor: L. Jordan, W. Kley, laufend)
Eleftheria Sarafidou:
Saturation of the magnetorotational instability by ambipolar diffusion (supervisor: W. Bethune, 08/2021)
Maximilian Rutz:
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations for Asteroid Deflection (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 06/2021)
Stephan Löffler:
Comparison of the standard SPH method to the CRKSPH method (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 06/2021)
Evita Vavilina:
Numerical Simulations of Circumbinary Disks with Improved Accuracy (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 10/2020)
Hina Saeed Shaikh:
Fourier Decomposition of circumbinary Potential (supervisor: W. Kley, 08/2020)
Marius Morlock:
Photoionisation of Planetary Atmospheres (supervisor: R. Kuiper, 07/2020)
Kai Fabi:
Understanding Artificial Neural Networks Using Relevance Propagation (external, supervisor: A. Zell (Informatik), 05/2019)
Alexandros Ziampras:
Planet-Induced Spiral Heating in Radiative Protoplanetary Disks (supervisor: W. Kley, 03/2019)
Tobias Moldenhauer:
Treating Self-Gravity in Two-dimensional Simulations of Protoplanetary Disks (supervisor: W. Kley, 05/2018)
Thomas Rometsch:
Inclination damping of embedded planets: analytical model and hydrodynamical simulations (supervisor: W. Kley, 04/2018)
Nicolas Cimerman:
Formation of resonant chains through disk-driven migration (supervisor: W. Kley & R. Kuiper, 05/2018)
Lucas Jordan:
Numerical Simulations of Dust Agglomerates (supervisor: W. Kley & Chr. Schäfer, 07/2018)
Philip Schilling: Wechselwirkung zwischen Gas und Staub in turbulenten Akkretionsscheiben mit vertikalen Scherinstabilitäten (supervisor: M. Stoll & W.Kley, 12/2017)
Oliver Völkel:
Moment Methods in Radiation-Hydrodynamics (supervisor: R. Kuiper, 09/2017)
Akram Chaalali: Hydrodynamische und gravitative Reibung akkretierender und nicht-akkretierender Körper (supervisor: R. Kuiper, 05/2017)
Janka Werner: Simulating Collisions with SPH (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 11/2016)
Oliver Wandel: Simulation von porösen, astrophysikalischen Objekten mit Eigengravitation (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 02/2016)
Franziska Schmidt: Dynamical Friction on Supersonic Gravitating and Non-Gravitating Spheres in a Gaseous Medium (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2016)
Henrik Marks: Investigation of Algorithms to Retrieve Melt Pond Fraction on Arctic Sea Ice
from Optical Satellite Observations (external, supervisor: Georg Heygster, Uni Bremen, 07/2015)
Benedikt Anlauf: Performance optimizations via parallelization on GPUs on the PLUTO code (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2015)
Nils Schweinsberg: Materialeigenschaften von Asteroiden (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2015)
Jürgen Hennerich: Visualisierung von Rechnungen zur Kollisionen zwischen Asteroiden (supervisor: R. Speith, 11/2014)
Niels Thiermann: Ein Flug in der turbulenten Grenzschicht - Strukturparameter aus realen, synthetischen
und simulierten Messreihen der Temperatur (external, supervisor: J. Bange (Geophysik), 7/2014)
Daniel Wehner: Gravitational Smoothing in zweidimensionalen Akkretionsscheiben (supervisor: W. Kley, 7/2014)
Sven Riecker: SPH auf Graphikkarten (supervisor: R. Speith, 6/2014)
Daniel Thun: Numerische Simulationen zur dynamischen Reibungskraft (supervisor: R. Kuiper & W. Kley, 6/2014)
Markus Müller: Eigengravitation in der numerischen Hydrodynamik (supervisor: W. Kley, 09/2013)
Kevin Schaal: Hydrodynamik auf bewegten Voronoi-Gittern (supervisor: W. Kley, 05/2013)
Marius Hertfelder: Die Grenzschicht von Akkretionsscheiben (supervisor: M. Stute & W. Kley, 08/2012)
Stefan Kolb: Dreidimensionaler Strahlungstransport in Zweitemperaturnäherung gekoppelt an den Code PLUTO (supervisor: M. Stute & W. Kley, 02/2012)
Daniela Skoropad: Simulationen zur Thermischen Transpiration (supervisor: W. Kley, 12/2011)
Philipp Buchegger: Disk Dynamics in Cataclysmic Variables with FARGO (supervisor: W. Kley, 7/2011)
Simeon Carstens: Simulating dust agglomerate collisions with Molecular Dynamics methods: fragment statistics and the bouncing problem (supervisor: R. Speith & W. Kley, 1/2011)
Patrick Ruoff: Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks (supervisor: W. Kley, 8/2010)
Mirko Windhoff: TMS-Feldberechnung mit Finiten Elementen (external, supervisor: A.Thielscher (MPI biol.Kybernetik), 2/2010)
Tobias Müller: Selbstgravitierende Akkretionsscheiben (supervisor: W. Kley, 2/2010)
Alexander Seizinger: Teilchensimulationen auf Graphikkarten (supervisor: R. Speith & W. Kley, 2/2010)
Marco Beas Wodjerek: Untersuchung alternativer Teilchen-Verfahren höherer Konsistenzordnung (supervisor: R. Speith, 4/2009)
Jens Hoffmann: Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields for the Development of NMR Coils (external, supervisor: R. Pohmann (MPI biol.Kybernetik), 1/2009)
Moritz Nadler: Numerische Simulationen zur Thermischen Transpiration (supervisor: W. Kley, 12/2008)
Bertram Bitsch: Strahlungshydrodynamik in protoplanetaren Scheiben (supervisor: W. Kley, 4/2008)
Sophie Bardubitzki: Untersuchung der Lattice-BGK-Methode für zweidimenionale inkompressible Strömungen (external, supervisor: C.-P.Feuchter (Fa. Mahle), 4/2008)
Valentin Schwammberger: Steganalysis using a Bayesian Image Model and Support Vector Machines (external, supervisor: M.Franz (MPI biol.Kybernetik), 10/2008)
Gabriele Chiogna: Numerical relativistic hydrodynamics (supervisor: Toro (Trento) & W. Kley, 2/2007)
Achim Nonnenmacher: Dynamische Niedrigrangapproximation in der Fluiddynamik (external, supervisor: Chr. Lubich (Mathematics), 2/2007)
Beatrix Willburger: Zur Struktur und Dynamik magnetisierter Polytropen (supervisor: J. Peitz, 2006)
Benjamin Sobotta: Sensitivity Analysis in complex Computer Models (external, supervisor: Fa. Bosch & W. Kley, 2/2007)
Oliver Gressel: Instabilität und Turbulenz in schwach magnetisierten rotierenden Scherströmungen (supervisor: J. Peitz, 2/2007)
Ralf Geretshauser: Modifying, testing and Calibrating a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Code for Simulations of Planetesimal growth (supervisor: R. Speith & W. Kley, 12/2006)
Michael Bölling: On the structure and stability of magnetized axi-symmetric equilibria (supervisor: J. Peitz, 2006)
Moritz Fragner: Kausale Viskosität in Grenzschichten von Akkretionsscheiben (supervisor: W. Kley, 01/2006)
Daria Adis: Korrigierte Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics und Anwendungen in der Astrophysik (supervisor: R. Speith, 09/2005)
Christian Lerrahn: Superhumps hinter Gittern (supervisor: W. Kley, 03/2005)
Jens-Olaf Delfs: Surface water runoff (external, supervisor: O. Kolditz (Geophysics), 03/2005)
Oliver Hahn: Über den Kollaps selbstgravitierender Systeme (supervisor: J. Peitz, 5/2005)
Richard Günther: Dynamik und Entwicklung von zirkumbinären Scheiben (supervisor: W. Kley, 11/2001)
Bachelor Theses:
Divin Gavran:
Torque Distribution of stationary Planets (supervisor: A. Ziampras & W. Kley, 08/2021)
Stefan Adelbert:
1-zu-1-Resonanz in zirkumbin"aren Systemen (supervisor: A. Penzlin & W. Kley, 03/2021)
David Riestenpatt gen. Richter:
Determination of Impact Crater Sizes (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 10/2020)
Michael Staneker:
Heating in planetesimal collisions (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 04/2020)
Andreas Putz:
berechnung des Sprayniederschlags von selektiv applizierten Feldspritzen (external, supervisor: H.-A. Freudigmann (Robert Bosch GmbH) 02/2019)
Marius Morlock:
Inviscid Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 11/2018)
Kai Fabi:
Tree Algorithms for the N-body problem (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 05/2017)
Isabelle Gauger:
Network analysis of local climate variability in urban agglomerates (external, supervisor: Dr. Reik Donner (Potsdam Inst. Climate Impact Research), 04/2017)
Thomas Rometsch:
Inclination damping of embedded Planets (supervisor: W. Kley, 02/2017)
Tobias Moldenhauer:
Zwei-dimensionale Eigengravitation auf Graphikkarten (supervisor: D. Thun & W. Kley, 01/2017)
Nicolas Cimerman:
Simulations of Planetary Atmosphere Formation Using Radiation Hydrodynamics (supervisor: R. Kuiper, 10/2016)
Oliver Völkel:
Dynamical friction in Common Envelope Evolution (supervisor: R. Kuiper, 09/2016)
Samuel Scherrer:
Simulation von Regolith mit SPH (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 06/2016)
Lucas Jordan:
Numerische Untersuchungen zur photophoretischen Kraft auf sphärische
Teilchen unter Verwendung von Graphikkarten (supervisor: W. Kley & Chr. Schäfer, 04/2016)
Janka Werner: Simulationen von Planetesimalkollisionen mit verschiedenen Wasserverteilungen (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer & R.Speith, 02/2015)
Franziska Schmidt: Simulation of Bouncing Mechanics on Asteroids with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (supervisor: Chr. Schäfer, 10/2014)