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Gabriel-Dominique Marleau

Postdoc in the group of Rolf Kuiper at the Universität Duisburg-Essen


Jupiter[06/2022]My main affiliation changed from Universität Tübingen to Universität Duisburg-Essen.

Research interests

I am interested in planet formation and evolution, direct imaging, and tracers of accretion onto gas giants.

Academic background

I completed my bachelor's (B.Sc. “Honours” in Physics) and my master's (M.Sc. in Astrophysics) degrees in the Physics Department of McGill University in Montréal, Québec (Canada), where I worked with Andrew Cumming. My PhD research at the MPIA was supported by a scholarship of the IMPRS program and I defended in 2016. I then worked with Christoph Mordasini in Bern and since then with Rolf Kuiper in his Emmy Noether group in Tübingen and now in his group in Duisburg.


Planet- and Star-Formation Department of the MPIA
The Exoplanet Encyclopædia
The Exoplanet Data Explorer


E-mail: ed.negnibeut-inu@uaelram.leirbag
Background: From “Accélérateur chromatique 90” by Claude Tousignant
Last modification: 13 June 2023
Previous modification: 1 December 2015 (!). You can tell by the hastily but barely updated contents.