
From outside a black hole, all the infalling matter will emit light and always is visible, while... [+] ANDREW HAMILTON, JILA, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO

Ethan Siegel   Jun 1, 2019,

There are many terrifying ways that the Universe can destroy something. In space, if you tried to hold your breath, your lungs would explode; if you exhaled every molecule of air instead, you'd black out within seconds. In some locations, you'd freeze solid as the heat was sucked out of your body; in others it's so hot that your atoms would turn into a plasma. But of all the ways the Universe has to dispose of someone, I can think of none more fascinating than to send someone inside a black hole. So does Event Horizon Telescope scientist Heino Falcke, who asks:

[W]hat is it like to be/fall inside a rotating black hole? This is not observable, but calculable... I have talked with various people who have done these calculations, but I am getting old and keep forgetting things.

It's a tremendously interesting question, and one that science can answer. Let's find out.

According to our theory of gravity, Einstein's General Relativity, there are only three things that determine the properties of a black hole. They are the following:



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