r Christoph Schäfer --- Computational Physics Tübingen

Research Interests
  • Computational Physics and High Performance Computing
  • Smooth(ed) Particle Hydrodynamics
  • Protoplanetary discs and embedded protoplanet evolution
  • Planetesimal and planetary embryo formation processes

Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Arizona State University


either see the ads for a complete list (including proceedings) or below for publications in journals

  • Schnellstart Python - Ein Einstieg ins Programmieren für MINT-Studierende, Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-26132-0.
  • Quickstart Python - An Introduction to Programming for STEM Students, Springer 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-33552-6

  • Papers
  • Maindl, T.; Dvorak, R.; Speith, R.; Schäfer, C.: The role of material strength in collisions - Comparing solid body and hydrodynamic physics for simulating collisions of planetesimals with icy shells, arXiv link.

  • Malamud, Uri ; Schäfer, Christoph M. ; Luciana San Sebastián, Irina ; Timpe, Maximilian ; Alexander Essink, Karl ; Kreuzig, Christopher ; Meier, Gerwin ; Blum, Jürgen ; Perets, Hagai B. ; Burger, Christoph: New Versus Past Silica Crush Curve Experiments: Application to Dimorphos Benchmarking Impact Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 974, Issue 1, id.76, 12 pp., 2024, link.
  • Penzlin, Anna B. T. ; Booth, Richard A. ; Nelson, Richard P. ; Schäfer, Christoph M. ; Kley, Wilhelm: Viscous circumbinary protoplanetary discs - I. Structure of the inner cavity, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 532, Issue 3, pp.3166-3179, 2024, link.
  • Shuai, Kang ; Schäfer, Christoph M. ; Burger, Christoph ; Hui, Hejiu: Metal-silicate mixing in planetesimal collisions , Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 687, id.A194, 13 pp., 2024, link
  • Afkanpour, Zahra ; Ataiee, Sareh ; Ziampras, Alexandros ; Penzlin, Anna B. T. ; Sfair, Rafael ; Schäfer, Christoph ; Kley, Wilhelm ; Schlichting, Hilke: Overstability of the 2:1 mean motion resonance: Exploring disc parameters with hydrodynamic simulations, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 686, id.A277, 16 pp., 2024, link.
  • Adelbert, Stefan ; Penzlin, Anna B. T. ; Schäfer, Christoph M. ; Kley, Wilhelm ; Quarles, Billy ; Sfair, Rafael: Stability of coorbital planets around binaries, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 680, id.A29, 8 pp., 2023, link
  • Winter, Philip M. ; Burger, Christoph ; Lehner, Sebastian ; Kofler, Johannes ; Maindl, Thomas I.; Schäfer, Christoph M.: Residual neural networks for the prediction of planetary collision outcomes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 520, Issue 1, pp.1224-1242, 2023, link
  • Stickle, Angela M and many more: Effects of Impact and Target Parameters on the Results of a Kinetic Impactor: Predictions for the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission; The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Issue 11, id.248, 29 pp., 2022, link.
  • Luther, Robert; Raducan, Sabina D.; Burger, Christoph; Wünnemann, Kai; Jutzi, Martin; Schäfer, Christoph M.; Koschny, Detlef; Davison, Thomas M.; Collins, Gareth S.; Zhang, Yun ; Michel, Patrick: Momentum Enhancement during Kinetic Impacts in the Low-intermediate-strength Regime: Benchmarking and Validation of Impact Shock Physics Codes, The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 3, Issue 10, id.227, 14 pp., 2022, link.
  • Penzlin, Anna B. T. ; Kley, Wilhelm ; Audiffren, Hugo; Schäfer, Christoph M.: Binary orbital evolution driven by a circumbinary disc, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 660, id.A101, 15 pp., 2022, DOI via ads, or arXiv link.
  • Crespi, Samuele; Dobbs-Dixon, Ian; Georgakarakos, Nikolaos; Haghighipour, Nader; Maindl, Thomas I.; Schäfer, Christoph M; Winter, Philip Matthias: Protoplanet collisions: Statistical properties of ejecta, MNRAS, Volume 508, Issue 4, pp.6013-6022, 2021. journal link.
  • Schäfer, Wandel, Burger, Maindl, Malamud, Buruchenko, Sfair, Audiffren, Vavilina, Winter: A versatile smoothed particle hydrodynamics code for graphic cards, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 33, article id. 100410, 2020. journal link.
  • Grishin, Evgeni; Malamud, Uri; Perets, Hagai B.; Wandel, Oliver; Schäfer, Christoph M., The wide-binary origin of (2014) MU69-like Kuiper belt contact binaries, Nature 2020. journal link, German press release of the University.
  • Malamud, Uri; Perets, Hagai B.; Schäfer, Christoph; Burger, Christoph, Collisional formation of massive exomoons of superterrestrial exoplanets, MNRS 2020. journal link.
  • Lammer, H.; Leitzinger, M.; Scherf, M. et al., Constraining the early evolution of Venus and Earth through atmospheric Ar, Ne isotope and bulk K/U ratios, Icarus 2020. journal link.
  • Burger, C.; Bazso, A.; Schäfer, C. M., Realistic collisional water transport during terrestrial planet formation. Self-consistent modeling by an N-body-SPH hybrid code, A&A 2020. journal link
  • U. Malamud, H. Perets, C. Schäfer, C. Burger: Moonfalls: Collisions between the Earth and its past moons, MNRS 2018, journal link, arXiv link. See also the press release of the University of Tuebingen. press release of Technion.
  • N. Haghighipour, T.I. Maindl, C.M. Schäfer, O.J.Wandel: Triggering the Activation of Main-belt Comets: The Effect of Porosity, The Astrophysical Journal, 855:60, 2018, doi link, arXiv link.
  • C. Burger, T.I. Maindl, C.M.Schäfer: Transfer, loss and physical processing of water in hit-and-run collisions of planetary embryos, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Volume 130, Issue 1, article id. #2, 2018, journal link, arXiv link.
  • D. Bancelin, E. Pilat-Lohinger, T.I. Maindl, F. Ragossnig, C. Schäfer: The influence of orbital resonances on the water transport to objects in the circumprimary habitable zone of binary star systems, AJ 153 269, 2017, arXiv link, journal link.
  • Christoph M. Schäfer, Samuel Scherrer, Robert Buchwald, Thomas I. Maindl, Roland Speith, Wilhelm Kley: Numerical Simulations of Regolith Sampling Processes, Planetary and Space Science, 2017, journal link, arXiv link, doi link.
  • Haghighipour, N.; Maindl, T.; Schäfer, C.; Speith, R.; Dvorak, R.: Triggering Sublimation-Driven Activity of Main Belt Comets, The Astrophysical Journal, 830, Number 1, 2016. journal link, arXiv link.
  • Schäfer, C.; Riecker, S.; Maindl, T.; Speith, R.; Scherrer, S.; Kley, W.: A Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Code to Model Collisions Between Solid, Self-Gravitating Objects, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 590, A19, 2016, doi link.
  • Dvorak, Rudolf; Maindl, Thomas I.; Burger, Christoph; Schäfer, Christoph; Speith, Roland: Planetary Systems and the Formation of Habitable Planets, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Volume 18, Number 3, 2015, pp. 310-325, arXiv link, ads link.
  • D. Bancelin, E. Pilat-Lohinger, S. Eggl, T.I. Maindl, C. Schäfer, R. Speith, R. Dvorak: Asteroid flux towards circumprimary habitable zones in binary star systems: I. Statistical Overview, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 581, A46, 2015. arXiv link, doi link.
  • T. I. Maindl, R. Dvorak, H. Lammer, M. Güdel, C. Schäfer, R. Speith, P. Odert, N. V. Erkaev, K. G. Kislyakova, E. Pilat-Lohinger: Impact inducted surface heating by planetesimals on early Mars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 574, A22, 2015. arXiv link.
  • Maindl, T.; Schäfer, C; Speith, R.; Süli, Aron; Forgacs-Dajka, Emese; Dvorak, Rudolf: SPH-based simulation of multi-material asteroid collisions, AN, 2013, (link).
  • Meru, Farzana; Geretshauser, Ralf J.; Schaefer, Christoph; Speith, Roland; Kley, Wilhelm, Growth and fragmentation of centimetre-sized dust aggregates: the dependence on aggregate size and porosity, MNRAS, 2013 (link).
  • C. Schäfer, R. Speith, and W. Kley, Collisions between equal-sized ice grain agglomerates, A&A 470, 733 (2007) (ads-link).
  • M. de Val-Borro, R. G. Edgar, P. Artymowicz, P. Cicielag, P. Cresswell, G. D'Angelo, E. J. Delgado-Donate, G. Dirksen, S. Fromang, A. Gawryszczak, H. Klahr, W. Kley, W. Lyra, F. Masset, G. Mellema, R. P. Nelson, S.-J. Paardekooper, A. Peplinski, A. Pierens, T. Plewa, K. Rice, C. Schäfer, R. Speith, A comparative study of disc-planet interaction, MNRAS 370 (2), 529 (2006) (ads-link).
  • M. Hipp, S. Pinkenburg, S. Holtwick, S. Kunze, C. Schäfer, W. Rosenstiel, and H. Ruder,
    Libraries and Methods for Parallel Particle Simulations in E. Krause, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '04.
  • R. Günther, C. Schäfer, and W. Kley, Evolution of irradiated circumbinary disks, A&A 423, 559 (2004) (ads-link).
  • C. Schäfer, R. Speith, M. Hipp and W. Kley,
    Simulations of planet-disc interactions using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, A&A 418, 325 (2004) (ads-link).
  • S. Ganzenmüller, M. Hipp, S. Kunze, S. Pinkenburg, M. Ritt, W. Rosenstiel, H. Ruder, and C. Schäfer,
    Efficient and Object-Oriented Libraries for Particle Simulations in E. Krause, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '03.

    PhD Thesis
  • Application of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics to selected Aspects of Planet Formation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen 2005.

  • Codes and little tools

    miluph: SPH code for the simulation of fluids and solid bodies.
    miluphcuda: The CUDA port of miluph. For faster computation :-)
    pycuda script to generate SPH point clouds from STL geometry files: generate_sph_from_stl.py.

    Open theses

    Please see here if you are interested in a bachelor or a master thesis in our workgroup.

    Teaching Winter Term 2024

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Practical Course Computational Physics
    Der Computer als Werkzeug in der Physik - Eine Einführung in die Programmierung mit Dr. Christian Strandhagen
    Moderne Physik C (Astronomie und Astrophysik) mit Dr. Christoph Tenzer und PD Dr. Johannes Bleibel

    Teaching Summer Term 2024

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group and Computational Physics
    Computational Astrophysics together with Dr. Christian Krüger from Theoretical Astrophysics
    Modern Topics in Astronomy Astrophysics Seminar with Dr. Daniela Doneva and Professors Kokkotas, Santangelo, and Stelzer
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Astronomy & Astrophysics by Professor Dr. Andrea Santangelo, Exercises coordination

    Teaching Winter Term 2023

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group and Computational Physics
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Practical Course Computational Physics
    Der Computer als Werkzeug in der Physik - Eine Einführung in die Programmierung mit Dr. Christian Strandhagen
    Moderne Physik C (Astronomie und Astrophysik) mit Dr. Christoph Tenzer und PD Dr. Johannes Bleibel

    Teaching Summer Term 2023

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group and Computational Physics
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Exercise class in Astronomy & Astrophysics
    Modern Topics in Astronomy & Astrophysics (joint seminar for the MAPP course)
    Computational Astrophysics: Lecture with exercises, together with Professor Rafael Sfair

    Teaching Winter Term 2022

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group and Computational Physics
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Practical Course Computational Physics
    Numerical Hydrodynamics

    Teaching Summer Term 2022

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group and Computational Physics
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Exercise class in Astronomy & Astrophysics
    Modern Topics in Astronomy & Astrophysics (joint seminar for the MAPP course)
    N-Body modelling session, part of Hands-on Numerical Astrophysics School for Exoplanetary Sciences, SPP1992 Summer School, Hanau, July 4-8, 2022, together with Dr. Anna Penzlin.

    Teaching Winter Term 2021

    Numerical Hydrodynamics
    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group, date: tbc
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Practical Course Computational Physics

    Teaching Summer Term 2021

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group, Thursday 10-12
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Computational Astrophysics

    Teaching Winter Term 2020

    Numerical Hydrodynamics
    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods Group, Thursday, 11:30am, zoom.
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Practical Course Computational Physics

    Teaching Summer Term 2020

    N-body simulations, online workshop of FUM.
    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods, Wednesday, 11am, C10A11.
    Computational Astrophysics
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy

    Teaching Winter Term 2019

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods, Wednesday, 11am, C10A11.
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy Moved to summer term 2020 due to Corona-crisis.
    Computational Physics Practical Course

    Teaching Summer Term 2019

    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods, Wednesday, 11am, C10A11.
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy

    Teaching Winter term 2018

    Theoretical Astrophysics, Prof. Kley: Exercises for the lecture: The exercise sheets are online on ILIAS.
    Computational Physics Practical Course
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy

    Teaching Summer term 2018

    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Exercises for the lecture Computational Astrophysics (Prof. Kley's lecture)
    Hands-on Numerical Astrophysics School for Exoplanetary Sciences, SPP1992 Summer School, Kloster Höchst, Germany, June 25-29, 2018.

    Teaching Winter term 2017

    Theoretical Astrophysics, Prof. Kley: Exercises for the lecture: Friday, 1230 - 2pm, C05H05. The exercise sheets are online on ILIAS.
    Computational Physics Practical Course
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy
    Group seminar Numerical Particle Methods, Wednesday, 11-noon, C10A11.

    Teaching Summer term 2017

    CPT Group Seminar (internal link)
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy

    Teaching Winter term 2016/17

    Theoretical Astrophysics, Prof. Kley: Exercises for the lecture: Friday, 1230 - 2pm, C05H05. The exercise sheets are online on ILIAS.
    Computational Physics Practical Course
    Practical Course Advanced Astronomy

    Master of Science Program in Tübingen: Master Astro and Particle Physics. See the main webpage for more information about the modules and how to apply. Come to Tübingen!

    About Me


    Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
    Department Computational Physics
    PD Dr. Christoph M. Schäfer
    Universität Tübingen
    Auf der Morgenstelle 10
    72076 Tübingen
    room: C10 A08
    phone: +49 7071 29 76359
    email: ch dot schaefer at uni dash tuebingen dot de
    private email: cm dot schaefer at gmail dot com

    ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0341-3738
    Asteroid: (5364) christophschafer, discovered 1980-Sep-02 by Vavrova, Z. at Klet.

    YouTube Channel of CPT.